
NHS Eascote Health Centre – London

We are thrilled to announce that we are currently in the process of carrying out a full lift replacement with our ‘One Lift ‘product for the NHS Eastcote Health Centre. As with all NHS projects there are stringent guide lines that must be adhered to, also the building is a fully functional Health Centre so [...]


Whittingon Hospital NHS Trust Lift & Escalator Contractor

We are thrilled to announce that as of October 2022 – we are the nominated lift and escalator contractors for The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust. Over the years, VM Elevators has sustained a very positive and successful relationship within the public sector across Greater London, home counties and major UK cities. We have a long-standing [...]


NHS Harlow – Essex

Works well under way for The NHS in Harlow. This is a particularly tight program involving a full refurbishment of the asset, to include, new control system, new hoist motor, new doors and entrances & full car re-line works.


Army Museum Chelsea – London

VM Elevators have been appointed as the lift service providers for the Army Museum in the heart of Chelsea, having worked with the client previously we are proud to be offering our services on a full time basis ensuring all their lift requirements are met.

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